Pimps in the Korean government continue to whine about World War II
Amazing that Korea seems to think it had the worst time of any country during World War II. By comparison, Korea got a scratch on its knee, and 70 years later is still screaming like a rabbit caught in a trap. Have you ever heard a rabbit scream? It sounds like Korea, only Korea is a million times louder.
Last night I had a phone conversation with another researcher on the Comfort Women issue. I am preparing to head back to Philippines, Australia, and other countries involved. We are doing this research right -- like always -- in part by physically going places and meeting real people who are involved.
The Korean government has a long history of pimping Korean prostitutes to American troops. 122 of the prostitutes are suing their old pimp now, the Korean government. Meanwhile, the Korean government is still screaming at Japan for all the Korean prostitutes from World War II. (Cannot make up this stuff.) The Korean government claims Japan kidnapped 200,000 women, which is preposterous and completely unsupported by historical documents.
Meanwhile, this entire drama is increasingly orchestrated -- and this is the important part of all of this -- by China, who is using various issues to split Korea, Japan, USA, Australia, and other allies, to gain control of the South China Sea, and more.
We will not take the word of newspapers like Asahi Shimbun, or politicians like President Park, who screams like a rabbit. Many researchers are conducting our own research.
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